Centro Gamma Knife Dominicano's Social Responsibility
Centro Gamma Knife Dominicano is highly committed to the local community through its everyday work. We have contributed to greatly improve the quality of life of hundreds of patients in the Dominican Republic, as well as patients from abroad such as Haiti, the Caribbean Islands and Central America.
Our social responsibility in reaching out to people in need of care and in providing state-of-the-art treatment regardless of social or economic status is an integral part of our social objective.
Centro Gamma Knife Dominicano provides the following:
- Medical procedures not yet available in other locations
- State-of-the-art equipment
- International standards of medical care
- Cooperation and assistance by world-renowned medical experts
- Assistance with financing
- Training of local doctors, physicists and nurses
What else do we achieve with our resources?
Centro Gamma Knife Dominicano focuses on social responsibility in five ways:
- By creating awareness through information and education
- By promoting preventive care
- By educating on the importance of early detection and how to do so
- By treating patients with limited or no financial means
- By being active in the medical community to improve knowledge and treatments through research
1. Create awareness through information and education
Centro Gamma Knife Dominicano is actively involved in creating awareness throughout the region where the center is located through various means:
- Working with local organizations
- Sponsoring local non-profit organizations and their activities
- Disseminating informational brochures
- Seminars and informational meetings
- Our center is open to external physicians for peer review of cases
2. Preventive care
Preventive care requires trained personnel, who provide counseling on health, nutrition, as well as drug, tobacco and alcohol abuse prevention. Together with our local partners, we assist in the development of such knowledge in clinics and centers in each region.
3. Early detection
Early detection is an essential part of the success rate of neurological treatments.
Centro Gamma Knife Dominicano cooperates with local diagnostic centers in order to educate the population on self-detection and the importance of proper diagnosis.
4. Treatment for everyone
- Our philosophy is based on equal treatment for all patients, regardless of their economic or social status, whether or not they have medical coverage.
- Doctors have several medical treatment options. CGKD and its case review boards play an important role in bringing knowledge and experience, thus improving the quality of patient care.
- Telemedicine: Centro Gamma Knife Dominicano’s extensive international network of physicians, surgeons and physicists is available to give second opinions on patients’ medical conditions by reviewing medical reports, diagnostic results and images over the Internet. This is a very valuable and effective support for our local professionals and patients.
5. Education and research
Centro Gamma Knife Dominicano actively promotes the need to initiate or participate in education and research.
- Education: CGKD believes that continued education is vital to the continued improvement of treatment options for our patients. Our doctors and medical physicists participate in an ongoing annual program that includes classes at conferences and seminars, regionally, nationally and internationally. In addition, our medical team is proud to also help in educate others as well, and several of them are active teachers.
- Research: CGKD believes that the active involvement of our medical team in research helps the development of the common knowledge of the medical profession, not only locally but also worldwide, and motivates our medical team to be passionate about their profession, constantly seeking to advance in their professionalism.
6. At the service of our community
In times of crisis, our centers try to be present providing help to those most in need.
7. Safety
We take the safety of our staff very seriously. We treat patients from all walks of life, often with weakened immune systems. All staff know that they must take the necessary precautions to protect themselves, so as not to transmit any disease to our patients or their colleagues.
Precautions also allow our centers to remain open in times of crisis, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I have told everyone about the advantages of the treatment and the excellent service, keep it up, I have never been treated like this in a Center. The Doctor is an angel.”
Meningioma / Treated on 09-08-2012. Anita Philips, Santo Domingo.
“Centro Gamma Knife Dominicano, a social commitment to the community”

Centro Gamma Knife Dominicano
Plaza de la Salud Dr. Juan Manuel Taveras Rodríguez
Calle Pepillo Salcedo. Ens. La Fe.
Santo Domingo
República Dominicana
Directo 809 732 1771
Central 809 565 9989
ext. 2801/2802
Email Address
Bussines Hours
Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m.