Our patients’ testimonials

“The first symptom was a dizziness when I was at school. I underwent studies and was referred to Dr. Suazo who diagnosed me with a cavernoma. He kept me under observation since 2018 until I started feeling symptoms again such as cramps in my hands, dizziness, and headaches. Then the pandemic hits and my mom was unemployed, and we had no health insurance.

We received a call from Centro Gamma Knife Dominicano where they informed us that they would do the procedure at no cost. We were very happy and thankful that they treated us like another patient, in an excellent way. I am very grateful to all the staff at the center”.


Dalila Atiyah Montilla Lorenzo

Cavernoma treated by Dr. Luis Suazo

Ruth Silverio | Craniopharyngioma

David Rondón | Pituitary adenoma

“For 10 years I suffered from headaches. One day I had an epileptic seizure and 20 days later I had another one. As the days went by the symptoms got worse. Through an MRI they discovered that it was due to a huge tumor. I underwent surgery, but due to the risk, they had to leave a tumor remnant which was successfully treated with Gamma Knife. I feel wonderful and grateful to God and to Dr. Valenzuela”.
Junior Uribe
Meningioma treated by
Dr. Santiago Valenzuela
“It all started with severe headaches, then my vision in my left eye was getting a little blurry. I had a CT scan which revealed that I had a macroadenoma. I underwent surgery and for the rest of the tumor, they recommended a non-invasive method, Gamma Knife radiosurgery. It was a pleasant surprise to know that this option is available in the country. I am pleased with the results obtained and the treatment received”.
Carlos cruz
Pituitary adenoma treated by
Dr. Giancarlo Hernández
“I feel very grateful, the change has been incredible and permanent. If I could bring down the sun and the moon, I would. I rate them 100%. Many blessings to the whole team and a big hug for Dr. Bidó whom I remember with affection and gratitude".
Sor florentina garcía
Trigeminal neuralgia treated by
Dr. José Bidó
“The symptoms that alerted me were frequent nausea and very intense headaches. I went to the doctor and underwent all the tests that were indicated, which showed that I had a brain tumor, known as meningioma. I was treated with Gamma Knife radiosurgery in 2013, and I am glad I opted for this procedure because today I feel great. I received the best care from Dr. Rivera and the Center's staff”.
M. Oviedo
Meningioma treated by
Dr. Diones Rivera
“At the beginning I only felt small cramps in my nose and with time I also felt them in my index finger and the whole left side of my face. When I went to the doctor, I was given the necessary tests and they showed that I had an arteriovenous malformation. After evaluating the options I had, I chose to be treated with Gamma Knife. Everything I can say about this procedure is positive, the treatment was excellent and the results too. I recommend Gamma Knife because my lifestyle has totally changed since I no longer feel the constant fear that I used to feel due to this disease”.
Arteriovenous malformation treated by Dr. Luis Suazo
“We first, thank God for allowing us the miracle of having Franger and the opportunity to meet the Gamma Knife unit in the person of Dr. Bidó. The radiosurgery process was successfully performed without any difficulty, with considerable improvement in the seizures. We received excellent treatment from Dr. Bidó, the medical physicist Speckter, nursing and administrative staff with the best care at the highest level, for which we are very grateful. We are also grateful for the facilities we were given until the process was completed and we pray to God every day so that other people, like my son Fran, may also achieve their improvement”.
Franger martich
Epilepsy treated by Dr. José Bidó


Centro Gamma Knife Dominicano
Plaza de la Salud Dr. Juan Manuel Taveras Rodríguez
Calle Pepillo Salcedo. Ens. La Fe.
Santo Domingo
República Dominicana


Direct 809 732 1771
Central 809 565 9989
ext. 2801/2802

Email Address


Business Hours

Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m.