Our patients’ testimonials

“The first symptom was a dizziness when I was at school. I underwent studies and was referred to Dr. Suazo who diagnosed me with a cavernoma. He kept me under observation since 2018 until I started feeling symptoms again such as cramps in my hands, dizziness, and headaches. Then the pandemic hits and my mom was unemployed, and we had no health insurance.
We received a call from Centro Gamma Knife Dominicano where they informed us that they would do the procedure at no cost. We were very happy and thankful that they treated us like another patient, in an excellent way. I am very grateful to all the staff at the center”.
Dalila Atiyah Montilla Lorenzo
Cavernoma treated by Dr. Luis Suazo
Ruth Silverio | Craniopharyngioma
David Rondón | Pituitary adenoma

Dr. Santiago Valenzuela

Dr. Giancarlo Hernández

Dr. José Bidó

Dr. Diones Rivera

Centro Gamma Knife Dominicano
Plaza de la Salud Dr. Juan Manuel Taveras Rodríguez
Calle Pepillo Salcedo. Ens. La Fe.
Santo Domingo
República Dominicana
Direct 809 732 1771
Central 809 565 9989
ext. 2801/2802
Email Address
Business Hours
Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m.